JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - Grunt Style Foundation Deployments

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - Grunt Style Foundation Deployments

In a heartwarming display of community support and solidarity, the Grunt Style Foundation hosted an incredibly successful drive-through distribution event over an especially hot Labor Day weekend in San Antonio, TX. The Deployment was an offering of essential aid to active duty lower enlisted members and veterans in need. This inspiring event, held in partnership with various organizations, aimed to distribute food and household items to over 300 deserving families, underscoring the unwavering commitment to our nation's heroes.

One of the driving forces behind this impactful event was the collaboration with YAIPak Outreach. This nonprofit organization has made it their mission to provide food and household essentials to those experiencing hardships, and their involvement in the Grunt Style Foundation Deployment - San Antonio was pivotal. Through their generous contributions, they ensured that each family received the much-needed support they deserved.

The Grunt Style Foundation Deployment - San Antonio left an indelible mark on the local military community. By distributing food and household items to over 300 families, this event provided a lifeline to those facing financial hardships.

The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2020 directed the Secretary of Defense to report on food insecurity among members of the armed forces and their dependents. The directive includes the following elements: an assessment of the current extent of food insecurity among not only service members and their dependents but also those living on post and presumably not receiving the basic allowance for housing (BAH); participation in food assistance programs; barriers to accessing this assistance; a description of other sources of income to meet basic needs; an assessment of the feasibility and advisability of a basic needs allowance (BNA) for low-income members; and three sets of recommendations (for policies, programs, and activities) to address food insecurity among military families.

Approximately 15.4 percent of all active duty personnel would be classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as having low food security in 2018. Another 10.4 percent would be classified as having very low food security.

Food insecurity was higher among those living on post. Of those classified as food insecure in 2018, 14 percent reported using food assistance in the past year. Stakeholders reported in interviews that service members are concerned that seeking help could negatively affect their career or security clearance and eligibility was also mentioned as a barrier to participation.

Food insecure members were more likely to report having a second job or a spouse with a part-time job. A high share of food insecure members (69 percent) reported having savings for emergency expenses. Some 29 percent of food insecure members reported being "very comfortable and secure" or "able to make ends meet without much difficulty. "Of the remaining 71 percent, nearly two-thirds reported that their difficulties were "occasional" versus "tough" or "in over your head."

The heartwarming aspect of this event was the sense of camaraderie and unity displayed by the partners, volunteers, and the families themselves. It was a day filled with smiles, gratitude, and a reaffirmation of the principle that no one should face adversity alone.

The Grunt Style Foundation Deployment - San Antonio stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when communities come together to support their heroes. The collaboration of dedicated organizations created a memorable day that will be cherished by those who benefited from this act of kindness.

As we reflect on this successful event, let it serve as a reminder that our collective efforts can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our active duty lower enlisted members and veterans. Together, we can continue to provide the support, appreciation, and resources they so rightfully deserve.

The success of this food distribution event was not only due to the dedication of the Grunt Style Foundation and YAIPak Outreach, but also to the invaluable support from various partners who came together to make a difference. These partners included:

Task Force VOSBO: a well-respected veteran support organization, played a crucial role in coordinating logistics and volunteers for the event. Their dedication to veterans' well-being shone through as they worked tirelessly to ensure the event's success.

JDog Junk Removal & Hauling Alamo Ranch: is known for their commitment to responsible disposal of items. Their contribution to this event went beyond their removal services; they also contributed to the distribution effort, showing their support for the military community.

Soldiers Angels: As a nationally recognized nonprofit organization, Soldiers Angels focuses on providing aid and comfort to our troops, veterans, and their families. Their presence at the event was a testament to their dedication to serving those who serve us.

Parker's Ice Cream: Amid the sweltering Texas heat, Parker's Ice Cream brought a sweet relief to the event, offering coupons for free ice cream treats to families and tubs of their incredible flavors to the volunteers. Their thoughtful gesture added a touch of warmth and comfort to the day.

Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of our heroes. Donations to the Grunt Style Foundation's food distribution efforts ensures that we can continue providing essential sustenance to veterans and active-duty military members facing hardship. 

With your ongoing support, we can strengthen the bonds of our community and ease the burdens of those who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Together, we can make a tangible difference in their lives, ensuring they never stand alone in times of need. 

What is the grunt style foundation?
